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How to create a 'Today's date' property.

Jun 22, 2023 4:17:09 PM | By The Maven TM Team

A common question from clients is how to have today’s date label associated with contacts. While HubSpot does not provide a native "Today's Date" property, we have created a workaround solution.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the seven-step process of creating an active list and custom workflow in HubSpot that enables you to automate and maintain a “Today's date” property.

The workflow automatically updates at midnight and stamps the “Today’s date” property with the date. This property is beneficial for reporting, workflows, and lists.

How-To Build the Active List and Workflow

1. Create a custom date field property, with the field type as Date Picker.

Todays date property.

2. Set the Field type as Date picker.

Todays date property 2

3. Build an active list, with filters set as "Today's date" is unknown OR is more than 1 day ago.

Todays date Active List

4. Create a contact workflow. Enrollment triggers: is a member of the active list you created above.

Enrollment triggers

5. Turn on re-enrollment for is member of Update Today's Date.

Enrollment triggers 2

6. Then set a date stamp on the "Today's Date" property.

Todays date workflow

7. Workflow Settings Specific Times are set to run each day from 00:00 to 00:30.

Scheduled times workflow

To round up, implementing a custom workflow to capture and update "Today's Date" as a contact property in HubSpot empowers you to leverage real-time information effectively.

By automating this process, you ensure that each contact's record is always up-to-date with the current date. This valuable data can then be utilised for reporting, workflows, and lists, enabling you to track trends, measure campaign performance over time and automate time-sensitive actions.

About Maven TM

As a Gold HubSpot partner, we aim to make our clients’ CRMs work to the best of their ability. If you are looking for a HubSpot partner, we may be able to help. As experts in HubSpot's CRM platform, we offer unparalleled services and solutions to optimise your marketing strategies, streamline sales processes, and enhance customer service workflows.

Book a time with our HubSpot specialist. We can spend 15 minutes discussing any needs or requirements you may have.

Topics: HubSpot, marketing automation, Automation

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