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Aligning with B2B Buyers: How Outsourcing Your Marketing Can Help

04 Apr 2023 | By Maven TM Team

In today's business landscape, the buyer is changing rapidly, and organisations need to adapt their marketing and sales strategies to keep up. Failure to do so can result in losing clients or missing out on potential business opportunities. B2B selling is becoming increasingly digital due to external market influences such as the pandemic, increased competition, growing buyer power, and demand for personalised experiences. 

There are numerous reasons to outsource marketing, but for most organisations, it comes down to saving costs while delivering personalised effective content to the customer. Especially if the organisation's current marketing efforts are seeing no results. It can be challenging to increase demand in complex and ever-changing markets. Hiring a skilled in-house worker can be costly, and a long-term commitment. In cases where a business needs specific skills for a one-time project, it may not be cost-effective to invest in recruitment and training.  

The Modern Buyer 

Effective content marketing is a complex and fast-paced field that requires a diverse skill set. Today's marketing process demands technical expertise in areas such as search engine optimisation, landing page design, offer development, website analytics, persuasive writing, and marketing automation, among others. Unfortunately, many small to medium-sized businesses may not have a designated marketing team or the resources to hire specialists in these areas. As a result, they risk falling behind the competition and not aligning with the needs of their current and potential customers. 

The changing B2B customer is another factor contributing to the need to get a marketing agency involved. The B2B customer is becoming more accustomed to the ease and personalisation of the B2C experience. This new generation of B2B customers are digital natives and prefer relevant content online and with less sales involvement.   

According to the findings presented by Gartner in their Future of Sales Report, today's B2B buyers are expecting B2B sales interactions to be conducted online. The business customer learns more online than ever before, and it will become unavoidable to offer the same advanced experience available in the B2C environment. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions will be conducted through digital channels. 

We pulled together some key facts from various market-leading sources. The fact is that buyer loyalty is becoming more difficult to hold onto.  

Why Outsource

In addition, B2B buyers expect a representative-free experience, as they perceive little distinct value beyond their learning from sales reps. Buyers also expect the same seamless and easy purchases that are standard with the B2C digital experience. Organisations that fail to adjust will find themselves competing with innovative competitors who enter the market with a digital-first, customer-focused approach. 

Why Outsourcing Could Be The Solution 

This is where outsourcing marketing activities can come in handy. By delegating marketing tasks to external professionals, businesses can save time, and money and achieve better results. Running effective marketing campaigns can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. We dive into more details on the benefits in our recent blog which you can read here.  

Organisations that want to remain competitive and achieve their marketing objectives should consider outsourcing their marketing efforts to a team of professionals with a proven track record. Especially if the outsourced agency specialises in the industry that such organisations compete in. This way, they can focus on their core competencies while the experts take care of their marketing strategy, resulting in better ROI, increased efficiency, and improved brand awareness.  To maintain steady growth and productivity, the perfect balance of in-house and outsourced resources can benefit the organisation as it progresses through its various growth stages. 

In conclusion, as digital transformation continues to reshape sales and marketing, B2B organisations must assess their readiness for this new era. By taking the outsourcing step, businesses can transform themselves into a customer-focused entity that can meet the evolving needs of the modern buyer. 

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